Setting up a Serial Interface

in CCNA Labs on May 29, 2014

Lab 1 – Setting up a Serial Interface

The first lab in this lab series is to understand how to setup a serial connection. When
Serial connections are configured they need one more command that normal Ethernet
connections do not. That command is the clock rate command. The clock rate command
establishes a common rate at which the sending and receiving routers will send data to
each other. It should be noted that if using a service provider circuit, there is no need for
the clock rate command since the service provider provides the clocking. Establish a
simple serial to serial connection between Router 1 Serial 0 and Router 2 Serial 0. To
verify your connection is established use the command show cdp neighbors. This
command will show the cdp information of your directly connected neighbor.


hostname router1
interface Serial0
clock rate 64000
no shut

hostname router2
interface Serial0
no shut


Categories: CCNA Labs


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