Showing 10 of 29 Blog Posts

34. How can I control which clients get leases from my server? There is no ideal answer: you have to give something up or do some extra...

32. How long should a lease be? I’ve asked sites about this and have heard answers ranging from 15 minutes to a year. Most administrators will say...

27. Can a client have a home address and still float? There is nothing in the protocol to keep a client that already has a leased or...

26. Can DHCP support remote access? PPP has its own non-DHCP way in which communications servers can hand clients an IP address called IPCP (IP Control Protocol)...

24. If a single LAN has more than one subnet number, how can addresses be served on subnets other than the primary one? A single LAN might...

23 In a subnetted environment, how does the DHCP server discover what subnet a request has come from? DHCP client messages are sent to off-net servers by...

21. When will the server to server protocol be defined? The DHC WG of the IETF is actively investigating the issues in inter-server communication. The protocol should...

20. Can a DHCP server back up another DHCP server? You can have two or more servers handing out leases for different addresses. If each has a...

15. Can a BOOTP client boot from a DHCP server? Only if the DHCP server is specifically written to also handle BOOTP queries. 16. Can a DHCP...

13. Can DHCP support statically defined addresses? Yes. At least there is nothing in the protocol to preclude this and one expects it to be a feature...