
Showing 7 of 7 Blog Posts

Packets originating from a nonrouting device destined for another network are sent to their default gateway (Layer 3 device on segment). The router consults its routing table...

Bandwidth The total amount of information that can traverse a communications medium measured in millions of bits per second. Bandwidth is helpful for network per¬formance analysis. Also,...

Frame Relay is a WAN technology, it is used for communication. Frame relay is an industry standard, shared across, best effort, switch Data Link layer encapsulation that...

It is used to select the destination path automatically.     Router > Router >enable Router(config)# conf t Router(config)# int e0   (or fa 0/0 it change with...

Multicasting is a technical term that means that you can send a piece of data (a packet) to multiple sites at the same time. (How big a...

RIP and OSPF are both routing protocols likely you have used without even knowing it. A routing protocol describes the way your data (or signals) get from...

146- After how long keep alive messages exchange in EIGRP? 5 SECONDS 147- Which type of updates EIGRP protocol do? INCREMENTAL UPDATES (CHANGE BASE) 148- What is...