
Showing 7 of 7 Blog Posts

Configuring Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) can be quite onerous, particularly with large numbers of peering sessions that must be configured manually. In fact, in a large network,...

Lab 2 – CDP You have just been asked to build a network map of your current network using CDP. Use the common CDP commands to understand...

The broadcast flag is an optional element of DHCP, but a client which sets it works only with a server or relay that supports it. Client Microsoft...

 Basic Commands    Password Commands   Interface Configuration / IP  Commands Frame Relay Commands Access Control List Commands

Extended ACL is implemented on the bases of source, Destination and Application. The application are telnet, ICMP, HTTP, SMTP etc it also work on port no of...

A domain name server maintains a directory of domain names and their matching IP addresses.   This information allows other computers to know where to go to find...

CCNA – Cisco Certified Network Associate IP Troubleshooting (For Ping Command).   First of all check the NIC that is it is working properly or not.   Check...