Showing 5 of 15 Blog Posts

CCNA Lecture Slides  – Below are CCNA Lecture Slides from Day 1 to Day 14 Lecture. Day 1 Network &NetworkDevices Introduction Introduction to LAN Topologies Cabling Day 2 Addresses...

111- What is name of OSPF Algo? Dijecstra or SPF (shortest part first) 112 – What is default size of Hello packets in OSPF? 50 bytes 113-...

96- What is protocol? Set of rules 97- What is difference between RIP and RIPv2 Rip Broadcast No authentication Support FLSM Ripv2 Multicast Authentication Support VLSM 98-...

123- On which bas OSPF take decision? LINK COST 124- What is default cost of serial interface in OSPF? 64 126- How many types of OSPF Configuration?...

51- What is the subnetmask of / 27 in network based and host based ? In network based 224 { 128+64+32}and in host based 248 (128+64+64+16+8) 52-...